Started VVR Landing 878.8 Ended 889.8 about 11 miles (not counting 1.5 miles from landing to PCT)
- With VVR "not having my resupply box, then finding it late yesterday, cost me four hours of prime morning hiking--I lost some 8-10 miles of hiking today.
- Hiked up and over Silver Pass. Same lovely sub-alpine and alpine zones as the other passes.
- Staying at VVR also cost me a couple more meals
Mistakes Happen
- At VVR I met Jori from the Netherlands. At the ferry landing Jori was ahead of me to the junction with the PCT
- I am NOBO while Jori is SOBO
- I turned toward Silver Pass and after a bit here comes Jori. Jori said, "How embarrassing!" I replied, "Mistakes happen."
- Then coming down Muir Pass we saw a hiker fall when a rock rolled under his foot
- I have had my own missteps where I lost some skin.
- At VVR I met Mike and Shari Dunn--about my age and very nice. They seemed intrigued by my stories of long-distance hiking
Tues 9/5
Started 889.5 Ended near middle fork San Joaquin bridge 907.3 (17.8 miles, not counting about three miles because of poorly marked signs)
One day--Two mistakes
- I've made three wrong turns entire trip--two of them today.
- First on, I missed a sign and should have made a hard left turn at a switchback---minor
- Poorly marked intersection
- I saw that I needed to go near Duck Lake and took that trail. I should have turned left toward Reds Meadow.
- This poorly marked intersection cost me about three miles and more than an hour
- Later I ran into Roland from Germany. We saw each other several times in northern California. Roland was as happy to see me as I was to see him.
- Jori from Netherlands (met Jori at VVR)
- Jori is a SOBO hiker
- Jori has no problem skipping significant portions of PCT
- He started at Stevens Pass, WA,--skipped Canada to Stevens
- Skipped big section in Oregon
- Skipped big section in northern California
- At camp I laid down and Later could hardly move--my back is stiff and sore. Way worse than it has been. We'll see how it goes from here.
Wed 9/6
Early start 5:25 AM Much improved signage, which made me happy. No wrong turns
- Started 907.3 Ended 926.9 19.6 miles
- I had time to go a little further but there are no campsites identified and looked like a storm was coming
- It is 6:30 p, and I've been in the tent for an hour. Thunderstorm, some rain, some hail, more light rain
- Last night's thunderstorm--the tent performed beautifully. It was great.
- Thunderstorm is booming and cracking
- One PCT hiker (a guy) named Nec (as in nectarine) is about 100 miles from completing PCT. He only needs to go to Kearsarge Pass
- A gal is hiking to Mt Whitney, but she also has Washington to do. I hope she makes it. She will be in Washington well into October.
Becky is a Genius
- Becky added a packet of McClard's BBQ sauce to two meals--pulled pork and brisket. Wonderful!
Thurs 9/7 Started 926.9